When training a dog using motivation and reinforcement what two one-word questions do you think your dog will be thinking? I’ll give you a clue. They start with W. Why and What. If your dog were to talk, those would easily be his two one-word questions to you whenever you go to train. And the answers are the trainers responsibility and so is the success of a dog training session. So be sure you know the answers before you partner {Read More}
Come When Called
The majority of dogs who come through the Outsmarting Dogs’ board-and-train program need a recall behavior installed into their behavior repertoire. The owners of these pups often tell me how their dogs take off for fun and games when they’re called instead of obeying the cue and coming when called. Playing the chase-me game is great fun and very rewarding for the dog, but most owners are not amused when the game is out of context. We’re living in a {Read More}
Driving With Dogs In The Car
If you are driving with your dog, it’s important that your dog doesn’t interfere with your concentration. Use either a seat belt for your dog,or if your dog is small enough, use a crate. When your dog’s in a crate, he can have a water bucket, so if thirsty, can get a drink. Keeping water available for your dog is important. And so is distraction-free driving. Deputy Dave Passmore in this news report and video from KSL in Utah was {Read More}
Puppy Grooming Training
When a puppy is going to face a lifetime of grooming, it’s good to get started with safe and tasty grooming experiences as soon as possible. This is Cameron, our 13-week-old Cockapoo board-and-train client who’s in our puppy training program for Housetraining Plus. The plus part includes being in our puppy STAR program, which is an AKC designation and a good precursor to the Canine Good Citizen, which besides being a therapy dog, is another of Cameron’s goals. He’s got {Read More}
Cockapoo Puppy with Zoomies
Cockapoo Puppy Cameron's Zoomies from Helen Verte Schwarzmann, CTC on Vimeo. Outsmarting Dogs 12-week-old puppy client, Cameron, has the zoomies around his 10-year-old Poodle friend, Sammie. Cameron is getting a lot of time socializing with other dogs, people, and the great big world. We love our board-and-trains. outsmartingdogs.com Helen Verte Schwarzmann Contact me Certified in Training and Counseling Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed Certified Trick Dog Instructor AKC Canine Good Citizen/CGC and STAR Puppy Trainer and Evaluator Your Board-and-Train Dog {Read More}