How Housetraining Is Like A Mystery Novel

Find out how much fun it is to train with food and games and our cast of characters. Become a client of Outsmarting Dogs! We never use pain to train. We outsmart dogs instead! Helen Verte Schwarzmann Contact me Certified in Training and Counseling Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed Certified Trick Dog Instructor AKC Canine Good Citizen/CGC and STAR Puppy Trainer and Evaluator Your Board-and-Train Dog Trainer for Fort Myers, Lee county, Naples, Collier county, and southwest Florida

Mini Aussie’s Board-And-Train Graduation Video

Here is a condensed and musical version of our latest 4-week board-and-train’s graduation video, Mini Aussie, Smokey. She is four months old and a little dynamo! Check out the skateboard technique towards the end. Beautiful! This is our Emilie, all of our board-and-train’s BFF, posing with Li’l Smokey. Find out how much fun it is to train with food and games and our cast of characters. Become a client of Outsmarting Dogs! We never use pain to train. We outsmart {Read More}

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Smokey. Smokey is a 17-week-old mini Aussie who’s board-and-training with us. Her daring enthusiasm is matched by her persistence to get what she wants. This is the kind of pup we love at Outsmarting Dogs. (OK, we love all pups.) With our delicious and motivating training food and solid training plans, she is fast on her way to being a bright star. Smokey’s favorite non-food reinforcement is our recent staff-and-family addition, beautiful Emilie the Dobermann. Smokey loves to play chase {Read More}

Dogs Who Say Please

Dogs who learn behaviors via humane, reward-based training will communicate by offering behaviors for attention or a cookie. What a brilliant mind of a dog to use what she’s learned to ask for something. Dogs who offer behaviors, in essence are saying, “Please.” “I just saw you give that puppy a cookie for pooping in the yard. I can do all this. Please may I have a cookie, too?” That was my 9-year-old Australian Shepherd, Bunny, saying please. For a {Read More}

Training A Dog To Think

Training dogs with food results in a well behaved, fun dog, who uses her smarts to think herself through a lifetime of possibilities. Reward-based trained dogs offer behaviors for the possibility of a reward while dogs trained with pain-based methods, respond to commands out of fear of a painful reprimand. Dogs trained with pain do not offer behaviors. But a dog trained with food results in a dog who thinks and who then uses her skill of learning to fearlessly {Read More}