Shy Puppy Gaining Confidence

Gaining trust is part of board-and-train when all dogs arrive, but especially shy puppies and dogs. Luna is a Doodle who was rescued and adopted from a puppy mill. She has a big need to build confidence, and I gave her a good start at Outsmarting Dogs board-and-train for dogs and puppies. Luna’s new adopter is a perfect match for her little puppy. We love patient, caring owners! Those are our types of clients. I train humanely, with food and {Read More}

Working With Multiple Personalities Board And Training Dogs And Pups

Happy July 4th! Fireworks, sparkly and loud, are on the menu on this holiday. Make sure you keep your pooch safe when it comes to Independence Day. It can be fun for people, but a lot of dogs find the loud sounds very scary. Dogs who are shy and meek are more likely to run and hide from the loud noises on Independence day than the dogs who are outgoing and loud themselves. I have worked with all types of {Read More}

Counter Surfing and Swiping

We have a lovely and huge goldendoodle who has arrived at Outsmarting Dogs. His name is Seymour. One of his goals, actually his owners’ goal, is to reduce his hobby of swiping what he finds on his daily counter surfing excursions. After that, he then runs away with his precious swipe to be chased. It’s great fun for him. Not so much for his owners. We are working on reducing that behavior using completely humane and positive methods. If you {Read More}

Doggy Doorbell Ringing

Dogs figure out how to make things work for them. At Outsmarting Dogs board-and-train boot camp, dogs may learn to ring a doorbell as part of their housetraining or housebreaking protocols and then use that doorbell for more ways than one. Dogs also get very creative when they go home and clients have told me that their dogs also use their doorbells to communicate other messages besides having to go potty. I recently recorded my own dogs outsmarting me with {Read More}

Outsmarting Dogs Puppy and Dog Board and Train Boot Camp

Outsmarting Dogs is a board-and-train in Lee county for owners of dogs and puppies who want humane, positive training. If you’re looking for a humane boot camp for your family pooch, contact me! ———- Helen Verte Schwarzmann 239-368-3682 Contact me Certified in Training and Counseling Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed Certified Trick Dog Instructor AKC STAR Puppy, CGC, and Trick Dog Trainer and Evaluator Your Board-and-Train Dog Trainer for southwest Florida, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Sanibel, Gateway, Bonita Springs, Naples, {Read More}