Bouncy Dog Play

When two or more dogs play together, it’s important to watch the dogs in case playing turns into serious behavior. These two dogs in the video below are playing well together under the watchful eye of their owner and Lee county dog trainer, Helen Verte Schwarzmann, CTC. One of the important qualities in good play in dogs and puppies is how they move when running. In this video, for the most part, Emilie the Dobiermann is running around the Everglades {Read More}

Training Dogs With R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

What does an alligator training video, a video of polite poochies, and Fort Myers Board-and-Train Dog Training have in common? One video demonstrates how well alligators can be trained via humane-based training. Yes, alligators. Positive reinforcement training is used to train alligators, from handling to eliciting sperm from the primitive beasts. And might you notice two things in particular. One happens towards the end of the video at 5-1/2 minutes. The alligators are lined up, the selected one has moved {Read More}

Behavior Management

While you’re training good behavior, or when you are not able to control your dog’s behavior, then you’ll need to manage it. If your dog surfs the counters and grabs what he can, for example, manage this situation by keeping the counters free of enticement. When your dog does get something from the counter, it’s a reward to him for his efforts as a counter surfer. When you come home to a clean counter and nothing chewed up, it’s a {Read More}

An Easy On-and-Off Clip for Dog Tags

I change tags on my dogs’ collars a lot. Every time I change their collars, I change the tag. I also put a tag on every board-and-train that comes into my dog training program. The thing about changing tags is the split rings that come with them are very hard to put on and take off collars, and to swap out tags! So I took some time to find an alternative. Here’s a short video on my journey and the {Read More}

Dobermann Swayze Loading Up Into My F-150 Truck

I am training a gorgeous and huge rescued and adopted Dobermann, Swayze, for a client. Swayze needs to work in distracting environments, which means I have to get him into my truck for travel. Swayze’s a wonderful passenger. He hangs out in the back seat watching the world go by as I drive us to our destination. The challenge wasn’t the drive over there. The challenge was getting this big boy into my truck before we hit the road. About {Read More}