Outsmarting Dogs Retrieve Training

I’ve trained my own dogs to help around the house. They go into big dog crates and retrieve whatever I can’t reach. When a dog bowl, Kong, or other object is far in the back, the only way I could reach the item is by crawling in myself. Getting help from one of my dogs really saves my back and knees! And they are eager to do the job for a little tuna fudge. Or perhaps you want your dog {Read More}

Poodle Sammie Retrieve I

Sammie Retrieve Training – Adding First Dash of Consistency from Helen Verte Schwarzmann, CTC on Vimeo. Sammie is a 10-year-old Poodle whose daily antics are amusing. Here is a snippet of the progress he's making on the retrieve-to-hand. Whether training or during down time, Sammie's a character and a favorite here at Outsmarting Dogs board-and-train pro dog training, Helen Verte Schwarzmann, CTC. outsmartingdogs.com Helen Verte Schwarzmann Contact me Certified in Training and Counseling Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed Certified Trick {Read More}