Puppy or Dog Boarding Fort Myers Florida 33966

If you are going out of town and would like to board your dog in a homey environment, call on Outsmarting Dogs. We do board and board-and-train. So either way, we can offer you options for your dog to have a getaway while you have your own.

Dogs live with the dog trainer and get daily exercise with plenty of socializing with other dogs, if they are dog friendly. If not, they get one-on-one outside time with the dog trainer and a private room without the influence of other dogs, so they will have a peaceful and enjoyable time during their stay.

If you are looking for a puppy or dog training program or a boarding-for-your-dog package, contact us with your details and we will give you options.

Here is one of our happy board-and-train clients at play during a walkie.

To send your dog to the Outsmarting Dogs board-and-train camp for motivational learning or for a board-only stay, contact us with your dog training, behavior modification wish list or board-only timeframe with dates to get started. Neighborhoods near me including Fort Myers, Florida 33966.

Helen Verte Schwarzmann
Contact me
Certified in Training and Counseling
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed
Certified Trick Dog Instructor
AKC STAR Puppy, CGC, and Trick Dog Trainer and Evaluator
Your Board-and-Train Dog Trainer for southwest Florida, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples, Collier county, Lee county